dont listen to the dumb F@ck below me...
yea he do critic but he dident help u at ALL --.
the start has a classical feel to it...but when it hit 0:30
u combine to notes thut...sounds kinda...painful
my advice u should use a soft string instead
i dont know wich software u sue so i cant rly comment on thut n help ya :s sry
but i like ure atempt to do the build up n start whit a PUMP UP :P
^^ all i can say thut u should work out a bassline thut combines whit thut big n strong kick u got
but dude keep it on...srly
:D keep em coming and u will totaly notice thut u have improved...and then u could like make a remix out of this? ;]
the song aint thut bad...only the strinpart at 0:30
and the beat is a bit repetative...but hey...i got thut prob to x]
best of luck dude
Peace DrX